Friday, 26 October 2012

The Study of the Weapon

Our killer does not murder his victims by choking, poisoning or headbutting them to death. He uses a weapon. We decided it would probably be better for our killer to use a bladed weapon mainly due to it being difficult to aquire realistic guns, difficult to get the effects of the gun being shot right (we wouldn't actually shoot Danny... which is a shame...) and overall, it being a little uninteresting. Guns, unless you spend hundreds or have a unique one, have no redeeming qualities between them and so would not add much to the character of our killer, therefore a bladed weapon, be it a knife or sword, would be better simply down to the fact that there is a phenomenal amount of difference between every type. The design of the bladed weapon would also reflect on the personality of the killer, for example, a killer using a 'traditional' kitchen knife or a flick-knife would most likely not have anything truly wrong with him, or be too enamored with the murder. A more interesting one though, such as a custom made dagger could suggest that there is an unhinged quality in him or that he deeply enjoys the death he causes.

Firstly, the standard kitchen knife.
The standard weapon in 'stabbity stabbity' murders, the traditional kitchen knife has no redeeming qualities in design but is clearly recognisable and fear inspiring in its own right.

In most thriller films there is nearly always a shot where it reflects light off of the blade, traditionally with a close-up of the knife from behind. With its large blade area, black handle, and simple design the kitchen knife, while being a more uninteresting weapon of choice, would fall back on traditional values in the thriller genre.

Secondly, the Hunters Knife.
The Hunters Knife denotes subliminally that the killer may be a more intelligent, dangerous adversary, mainly because if he owns a Hunters Knife, he is likely to hunt, and hunting requires patience, intelligence and strength.

The hunters knife would primarily be used in films occurring in forests or if there are members of the army involved. While uncommon, the associated values with it do add depth to a villain.

Finally, Custom and Unique Knives.
Custom Knives show that the villain is obssessed with weapons. If the killer is using a custom or unique knife it is highly likely that he has either planned the killings or wants to make a name for himself. A custom knife's design would definitely reflect on the killers personality and his methods of killing.

Rarely used in films, although when it is, there is usually a backstory to it with the villain in question.

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