Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock (Born : 13th August 1899 - Died : 29th April 1980) was an American director, who specialised in Thriller films. His most famous films include; Rear Window, Physco, Vertigo and Shadow of a Doubt which were all created before the 1960's.
The film Rear Window is rated is best ever film ( ) which was made in 1954. To make this film, he was given a staggering $1 million, which in 1954, was a lot of money! He shot the film in his favoured studio, 'Paramount Studios' and used a 35mm Exakta Varex VX camera, which nowadays would be laughed at!
Sir Alfred Hitchcock ended his career in 1976 with what turned out to be a huge disappointment only achieving 2 and a half stars. The film 'Family Plot' was given a budget of $3 Million - but only pulled in a box office of $13,200,000, compared to 'Rear Windows' $36,764,313 - and that was made in the 50's!
See if you can find a clip from one of his films and analyse it for Hitchcocks style and conventions of thriller films