Friday, 22 February 2013

Evaluation: Question II

This is the second question of the evaluation which i used Prezi for

1 comment:

  1. You seem to be trying to answer two questions at once as you are talking about social groups (and how you have represented them) one moment and then switching to the target audience. These are two separate questions! You need to outline the four social group you have identified Middle Class, Upper Class, teenagers and Adults. Define each one first (traditional stereotypes) then explain how your character conform and/or challenge these stereotypes.
    You have the general idea about how to use Prezi but you must include pictures, hyperlinks, vidoe clips etc to use it to its fullest. Make sure that you don't repeat moves - you seemed to go back over some things
    You also must check you spelling and grammar!!!!! Short sentences are best. Get someone to read over what you write as they are more likely to spot your mistakes.
